Sabrina Charehbili


I strive to build worlds that are uniquely mine, by drawing inspirations from the stories my surroundings offer me.

Independent from my own role within this own reality, I strive to let my creativity flow and look for ways to bring my ideas to life.

At the moment my focus is on emphasizing the positive aspects of what may be perceived as a problem. This involves adopting a positive perspective and finding acceptance and satisfaction in the situation.


2023: FD persoonlijk - Interview 'Een sprookje van de plasticsoep FD Persoonlijk

2023: NRC - 033 fotostad Rietveld paviljoen 'Straks kun je schelpen rapen op het strand van amersfoort'  NRC

2023: Trouw - 'Amersfoort aan zee, daar wil de hele Randstad wonen'  Trouw

2023: Straatkrant Z - Interview 'Strandplastic' 

2023: Cover, Fotolab Kiekie tabloid graduation issue nr 38. Fotolab Kiekie


2024   DuPho SO’24 Award, Capital C, Amsterdam

2023   Unseen Photography Fair  

2023   Group exhibition, Intuitive Abstraction, Galerie helder, Den Haag.  

2023   033 fotostad Rietveldpaviljoen,  'Amersfoort aan Zee - Als de zeespiegel stijgt', Amersfoort.

2023   Graduation exhibition, Emergo, Loods 6, Amsterdam.

More info :  Galleryviewer 

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